
给定一个字符串,任务是打印字符串中每个单词的第一个和最后一个字符。 例:

input: geeks for geeks
output: gs fr gs
input: computer applications
output: cr as


  1. 从第一个字母到最后一个字母循环。
  2. 打印字符串的第一个和最后一个字母。
  3. 如果字符串中有空格,则打印位于空格前和空格后的字符。



// cpp program to print
// the first and last character
// of each word in a string'
using namespace std;
// function to print the first
// and last character of each word.
void firstandlast(string str)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i  )
        // if it is the first word
        // of the string then print it.
        if (i == 0)

java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// java program to print
// the first and last character
// of each word in a string
class gfg {
    // function to print the first
    // and last character of each word.
    static void firstandlast(string str)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < str.length(); i  ) {
            // if it is the first word
            // of the string then print it.
            if (i == 0)
            // if it is the last word of the string
            // then also print it.
            if (i == str.length() - 1)
            // if there is a space
            // print the successor and predecessor
            // to space.
            if (str.charat(i) == ' ') {
                system.out.print(str.charat(i - 1)
                                   " "
                                   str.charat(i   1));
    // driver code
    public static void main(string args[])
        string str = "geeks for geeks";

python 3

# python3 program to print
# the first and last character
# of each word in a string'
# function to print the first
# and last character of each word.
def firstandlast(string):
    for i in range(len(string)):
        # if it is the first word
        # of the string then print it.
        if i == 0:
            print(string[i], end = "")
        # if it is the last word of the string
        # then also print it.
        if i == len(string) - 1:
            print(string[i], end = "")
        # if there is a space
        # print the successor and predecessor
        # to space.
        if string[i] == " ":
            print(string[i - 1],
                  string[i   1], end = "")
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    string = "geeks for geeks"
# this code is contributed by
# sanjeev2552


// c# program to print
// the first and last character
// of each word in a string
using system;
class gfg
    // function to print the first
    // and last character of each word.
    static void firstandlast(string str)
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < str.length; i  )
            // if it is the first word
            // of the string then print it.
            if (i == 0)
            // if it is the last word of the string
            // then also print it.
            if (i == str.length - 1)
            // if there is a space
            // print the successor and predecessor
            // to space.
            if (str[i] == ' ')
                console.write(str[i - 1]
                                  " "
                                  str[i   1]);
    // driver code
    public static void main()
        string str = "geeks for geeks";
// this code is contributed by ryuga

java 描述语言


gs fr gs