
给定一个仅由 0 和 1 组成的二进制字符串 str ,任务是在从字符串中逐个删除“10”和“01”后打印该字符串。如果字符串为空,则打印-1。


输入: str = "101100" 输出: -1 解释: 第一步,从字符串中移除索引 0 和 1 处的“10”。 101100 - > 1100 在第二步中,从字符串中删除索引 1 和 2 处的“10”。 1100 - > 10 最后去掉“10”,串变成空的。 10 - >空

输入: str = "010110100" 输出: 0 解释: 在第一步中,从字符串中删除索引 0 和 1 处的“01”。 010110100 - > 0110100 在第二步中,从字符串中删除索引 0 和 1 处的“01”。 0110100 - > 10100 在第三步中,从字符串中删除索引 0 和 1 处的“10”。 10100 - > 100 最后去掉“10”,字符串变为“0”。 100 - > 0

观察:仔细观察,由于给定的字符串是二进制字符串,除了字符串中存在的不能与其补语配对的额外 0 和 1 之外,所有字符串都可以被清除。例如:

let str = "010110100 "。 对于这个字符串,0 的个数是 5,1 的个数是 4。 现在,让我们开始一个接一个地移除替换子字符串:

  1. 01 0110100 - > 0110100
  2. 01 10100 - > 10100
  3. 10 100 - > 100
  4. 10 0 - > 0


因此,从上面的例子可以看出,只要字符串中有 1 和 0,字符串就可以减少。 我们已经在上一篇文章中讨论了查找 0 和 1 的

方法:从上面的观察可以得出结论,最终的字符串只包含额外的 1 或 0,它们不能与字符串中的任何数字配对。因此,解决这个问题的思路是对字符串中 0 和 1 的进行计数,找出两个计数之间的。该计数表示基于较高值的剩余 1 或 0的数量。


  1. 获取字符串中存在的 0 的计数,并将其存储在变量中
  2. 获取字符串中存在的 1 的计数,并将其存储在另一个变量中。****
  3. 如果 1 的计数等于 0 的,则可以减少整个字符串。因此,返回 -1
  4. 如果 1 的计数大于 0的计数,那么最后剩下许多 1,进一步减少是不可能的。因此,将许多 1 的追加到一个空字符串中并返回该字符串。
  5. 类似地,如果 0 的计数大于 1 的计数,则找出差异,并将那些许多 0 的附加到空字符串中并返回。



// c   program to print the final string
// after removing all the occurrences of
// "10" and "01" from the given binary string
using namespace std;
// function to print the final string
// after removing all the occurrences of
// "10" and "01" from the given binary string
void finalstring(string str)
    // variables to store the
    // count of 1's and 0's
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    // variable left will store
    // whether 0's or 1's is left
    // in the final string
    int left;
    // length of the string
    int n = str.length();
    // for loop to count the occurrences
    // of 1's and 0's in the string
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
        if (str[i] == '1')
            x  ;
            y  ;
    // to check if the count of 1's is
    // greater than the count of 0's or not.
    // if x is greater, then those many 1's
    // are printed.
    if (x > y)
        left = 1;
        left = 0;
    // length of the final remaining string
    // after removing all the occurrences
    int length = n - 2 * min(x, y);
    // printing the final string
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i  ) {
        cout << left;
// driver code
int main()
    string str = "010110100100000";
    return 0;

java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// java program to print the final string
// after removing all the occurrences of
// "10" and "01" from the given binary string
import java.util.*;
class gfg{
// function to print the final string
// after removing all the occurrences of
// "10" and "01" from the given binary string
static void finalstring(string str)
    // variables to store the
    // count of 1's and 0's
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    // variable left will store
    // whether 0's or 1's is left
    // in the final string
    int left;
    // length of the string
    int n = str.length();
    // for loop to count the occurrences
    // of 1's and 0's in the string
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
        if (str.charat(i) == '1')
            x  ;
            y  ;
    // to check if the count of 1's is
    // greater than the count of 0's or not.
    // if x is greater, then those many 1's
    // are printed.
    if (x > y)
        left = 1;
        left = 0;
    // length of the final remaining string
    // after removing all the occurrences
    int length = n - 2 * math.min(x, y);
    // printing the final string
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i  ) {
// driver code
public static void main(string[] args)
    string str = "010110100100000";
// this code is contributed by sapnasingh4991

python 3

# python 3 program to print the final string
# after removing all the occurrences of
# "10" and "01" from the given binary string
# function to print the final string
# after removing all the occurrences of
# "10" and "01" from the given binary string
def finalstring(st):
    # variables to store the
    # count of 1's and 0's
    x , y = 0 , 0
    # length of the string
    n = len(st)
    # for loop to count the occurrences
    # of 1's and 0's in the string
    for i in range( n):
        if (st[i] == '1'):
            x  = 1
            y  = 1
    # to check if the count of 1's is
    # greater than the count of 0's or not.
    # if x is greater, then those many 1's
    # are printed.
    if (x > y):
        left = 1
        left = 0
    # length of the final remaining string
    # after removing all the occurrences
    length = n - 2 * min(x, y);
    # printing the final string
    for i in range(length):
        print(left, end="")
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    st = "010110100100000"
# this code is contributed by chitranayal


// c# program to print the readonly string
// after removing all the occurrences of
// "10" and "01" from the given binary string
using system;
class gfg{
// function to print the readonly string
// after removing all the occurrences of
// "10" and "01" from the given binary string
static void finalstring(string str)
    // variables to store the
    // count of 1's and 0's
    int x = 0, y = 0;
    // variable left will store
    // whether 0's or 1's is left
    // in the readonly string
    int left;
    // length of the string
    int n = str.length;
    // for loop to count the occurrences
    // of 1's and 0's in the string
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
        if (str[i] == '1')
            x  ;
            y  ;
    // to check if the count of 1's is
    // greater than the count of 0's or not.
    // if x is greater, then those many 1's
    // are printed.
    if (x > y)
        left = 1;
        left = 0;
    // length of the readonly remaining string
    // after removing all the occurrences
    int length = n - 2 * math.min(x, y);
    // printing the readonly string
    for (int i = 0; i < length; i  ) {
// driver code
public static void main(string[] args)
    string str = "010110100100000";
// this code is contributed by 29ajaykumar

java 描述语言




  • 计算 1 和 0 出现次数的 for 循环需要 o(n) 时间,其中 n 是字符串的长度。
  • if 语句需要恒定的时间。所以 if 语句的时间复杂度是 o(1)
  • 当整个字符串只有 0 或 1 时,打印最终字符串的循环在最坏的情况下需要 o(n)****
  • 因此,整体时间复杂度为 o(n)