
给定 n 个字符串的数组。任务是按排序顺序打印字符串。方法应该是在排序过程中不应该将任何字符串复制到另一个字符串。


input : {"geeks", "for", "geeks", "quiz")
output : for geeks geeks quiz
input : {"ball", "pen", "apple", "kite"}
output : apple ball kite pen


  1. 维护另一个数组 indexed_arr ,该数组存储/维护每个字符串的索引。
  2. 我们可以对这个 indexed_arr 应用任何排序技术。


--> str[] = {"world", "hello"}
--> corresponding index array will be
    indexed_arr = {0, 1}
--> now, how the strings are compared and 
    accordingly values in indexed_arr are changed.
--> comparison process:
    if (str[index[0]].compare(str[index[1]] > 0
        temp = index[0]
        index[0] = index[1]
        index[1] = temp
// after sorting values of
// indexed_arr = {1, 0}
--> for i=0 to 1
        print str[index[i]]
this is how the strings are compared and their 
corresponding indexes in the indexed_arr
are being manipulated/swapped so that after the sorting process
is completed, the order of indexes in the indexed_arr
gives us the sorted order of the strings.


// c   implementation to print array of strings in sorted
// order without copying one string into another
using namespace std;
// function to print strings in sorted order
void printinsortedorder(string arr[], int n)
    int index[n];
    int i, j, min;
    // initially the index of the strings
    // are assigned to the 'index[]'
    for (i=0; i 0)
                min = j;
        // index of the smallest string is placed
        // at the ith index of 'index[]'
        if (min != i)
            int temp = index[min];
            index[min] = index[i];
            index[i] = temp;
    // printing strings in sorted order
    for (i=0; i

java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

//java implementation to print array of strings in sorted
// order without copying one string into another
class gfg {
    // function to print strings in sorted order
    static void printinsortedorder(string arr[], int n) {
        int index[] = new int[n];
        int i, j, min;
        // initially the index of the strings
        // are assigned to the 'index[]'
        for (i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
            index[i] = i;
        // selection sort technique is applied   
        for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i  ) {
            min = i;
            for (j = i   1; j < n; j  ) {
                // with the help of 'index[]'
                // strings are being compared
                if (arr[index[min]].compareto(arr[index[j]]) > 0) {
                    min = j;
            // index of the smallest string is placed
            // at the ith index of 'index[]'
            if (min != i) {
                int temp = index[min];
                index[min] = index[i];
                index[i] = temp;
        // printing strings in sorted order
        for (i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
            system.out.print(arr[index[i]]   " ");
    // driver program to test above
    static public void main(string[] args) {
        string arr[] = {"geeks", "quiz", "geeks", "for"};
        int n = 4;
        printinsortedorder(arr, n);
// this code is contributed by 29ajaykumar

python 3

# python 3 implementation to print array
# of strings in sorted order without
# copying one string into another
# function to print strings in sorted order
def printinsortedorder(arr, n):
    index = [0] * n
    # initially the index of the strings
    # are assigned to the 'index[]'
    for i in range(n):
        index[i] = i
    # selection sort technique is applied
    for i in range(n - 1):
        min = i
        for j in range(i   1, n):
            # with the help of 'index[]'
            # strings are being compared
            if (arr[index[min]] > arr[index[j]]):
                min = j
        # index of the smallest string is placed
        # at the ith index of 'index[]'
        if (min != i):
            index[min], index[i] = index[i], index[min]
    # printing strings in sorted order
    for i in range(n):
        print(arr[index[i]], end = " ")
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    arr = ["geeks", "quiz", "geeks", "for"]
    n = 4
    printinsortedorder(arr, n)
# this code is contributed by ita_c


//c# implementation to print an array of strings in sorted
// order without copying one string into another
 using system;
public class gfg {
    // function to print strings in sorted order
    static void printinsortedorder(string []arr, int n) {
        int []index = new int[n];
        int i, j, min;
        // initially the index of the strings
        // are assigned to the 'index[]'
        for (i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
            index[i] = i;
        // selection sort technique is applied   
        for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i  ) {
            min = i;
            for (j = i   1; j < n; j  ) {
                // with the help of 'index[]'
                // strings are being compared
                if (arr[index[min]].compareto(arr[index[j]]) > 0) {
                    min = j;
            // index of the smallest string is placed
            // at the ith index of 'index[]'
            if (min != i) {
                int temp = index[min];
                index[min] = index[i];
                index[i] = temp;
        // printing strings in sorted order
        for (i = 0; i < n; i  ) {
            console.write(arr[index[i]]   " ");
    // driver program to test above
    static public void main() {
        string []arr = {"geeks", "quiz", "geeks", "for"};
        int n = 4;
        printinsortedorder(arr, n);
// this code is contributed by 29ajaykumar

java 描述语言


for geeks geeks quiz

时间复杂度: o(n 2 ) 当我们必须最小化盘写入的数量时,该方法可以有它的用途,就像在结构阵列的情况下一样。结构值被比较,但是它们的值没有被交换,相反,它们的索引被保持在另一个数组中,该数组被操作来保持索引以表示结构的排序数组的顺序。