
给定一个字符串 s,以迭代的方式打印给定字符串的所有可能的子序列。我们已经讨论了 。


input : abc
output : a, b, c, ab, ac, bc, abc
input : aab
output : a, b, aa, ab, aab

方法 1 : 在这里,我们讨论更简单更容易的迭代方法,类似于幂集。我们使用从 1 的到 2^length(s–1 的位模式。

input = "abc" 二进制表示考虑 1 到(2^3-1),即 1 到 7。 从二进制表示的左(msb)到右(lsb)开始,将二进制表示中对应于位值 1 的输入字符串中的字符追加到最终子序列字符串 sub 中。

示例: 001 = > abc。只有 c 对应于位 1。所以,子序列= c. 101 = > abc。a 和 c 对应于位 1。所以,子序列= ac。 二进制 _ 表示(1) = 001 = > c 二进制 _ 表示(2) = 010 = > b 二进制 _ 表示(3) = 011 = > bc 二进制 _ 表示(4) = 100 = > a 二进制 _ 表示(5) = 101 = > ac 二进制 _ 表示(6) = 110 = > ab 二进制 _ 表示(7) =



// c   program to print all subsequences
// of a string in iterative manner
using namespace std;
// function to find subsequence
string subsequence(string s, int binary, int len)
    string sub = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < len; j  )
        // check if jth bit in binary is 1
        if (binary & (1 << j))
            // if jth bit is 1, include it
            // in subsequence
            sub  = s[j];
    return sub;
// function to print all subsequences
void possiblesubsequences(string s){
    // map to store subsequence
    // lexicographically by length
    map > sorted_subsequence;
    int len = s.size();
    // total number of non-empty subsequence
    // in string is 2^len-1
    int limit = pow(2, len);
    // i=0, corresponds to empty subsequence
    for (int i = 1; i <= limit - 1; i  ) {
        // subsequence for binary pattern i
        string sub = subsequence(s, i, len);
        // storing sub in map
    for (auto it : sorted_subsequence) {
        // it.first is length of subsequence
        // it.second is set
        cout << "subsequences of length = "
             << it.first << " are:" << endl;
        for (auto ii : it.second)
            // ii is iterator of type set
            cout << ii << " ";
        cout << endl;
// driver function
int main()
    string s = "aabc";
    return 0;

java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

// java program to print all subsequences
// of a string in iterative manner
import java.util.arraylist;
import java.util.arrays;
import java.util.hashmap;
import java.util.hashset;
import java.util.map;
import java.util.sortedmap;
import java.util.treemap;
class graph{
// function to find subsequence
static string subsequence(string s,
                          int binary,
                          int len)
    string sub = "";
    for(int j = 0; j < len; j  )
        // check if jth bit in binary is 1
        if ((binary & (1 << j)) != 0)
            // if jth bit is 1, include it
            // in subsequence
            sub  = s.charat(j);
    return sub;
// function to print all subsequences
static void possiblesubsequences(string s)
    // map to store subsequence
    // lexicographically by length
    sortedmap> sorted_subsequence = new treemap>();
    int len = s.length();
    // total number of non-empty subsequence
    // in string is 2^len-1
    int limit = (int) math.pow(2, len);
    // i=0, corresponds to empty subsequence
    for(int i = 1; i <= limit - 1; i  )
        // subsequence for binary pattern i
        string sub = subsequence(s, i, len);
        // storing sub in map
        if (!sorted_subsequence.containskey(sub.length()))
                sub.length(), new hashset<>());
    for(map.entry> it : sorted_subsequence.entryset())
        // it.first is length of subsequence
        // it.second is set
        system.out.println("subsequences of length = "  
                           it.getkey()   " are:");
        for(string ii : it.getvalue())
            // ii is iterator of type set
            system.out.print(ii   " ");
// driver code
public static void main(string[] args)
    string s = "aabc";
// this code is contributed by sanjeev2552

python 3

# python3 program to print all subsequences
# of a string in iterative manner
# function to find subsequence
def subsequence(s, binary, length):
    sub = ""
    for j in range(length):
        # check if jth bit in binary is 1
        if (binary & (1 << j)):
            # if jth bit is 1, include it
            # in subsequence
            sub  = s[j]
    return sub
# function to print all subsequences
def possiblesubsequences(s):
    # map to store subsequence
    # lexicographically by length
    sorted_subsequence = {}
    length = len(s)
    # total number of non-empty subsequence
    # in string is 2^len-1
    limit = 2 ** length
    # i=0, corresponds to empty subsequence
    for i in range(1, limit):
        # subsequence for binary pattern i
        sub = subsequence(s, i, length)
        # storing sub in map
        if len(sub) in sorted_subsequence.keys():
            sorted_subsequence[len(sub)] = \
             tuple(list(sorted_subsequence[len(sub)])   [sub])
            sorted_subsequence[len(sub)] = [sub]
    for it in sorted_subsequence:
        # it.first is length of subsequence
        # it.second is set
        print("subsequences of length =", it, "are:")
        for ii in sorted(set(sorted_subsequence[it])):
            # ii is iterator of type set
            print(ii, end = ' ')
# driver code
s = "aabc"
# this code is contributed by ankush_953

java 描述语言


subsequences of length = 1 are:
a b c 
subsequences of length = 2 are:
aa ab ac bc 
subsequences of length = 3 are:
aab aac abc 
subsequences of length = 4 are:

时间复杂度:,其中 n 为查找子序列的字符串长度,l 为二进制字符串长度。

方法 2 : 方法是获取最右边的置位位的位置,并在给定字符串中的相应字符附加到子序列后重置该位,并将重复相同的操作,直到相应的二进制模式没有置位位为止。

如果输入是 s = "abc" 二进制表示,则考虑 1 到(2^3-1),即 1 到 7。 001 = > abc。只有 c 对应于位 1。所以,子序列= c 101 = > abc。a 和 c 对应于位 1。所以,子序列= ac。 让我们使用 5 的二进制表示,即 101。 最右边的位在位置 1,在 sub = c 的开头追加字符,重置位置 1 = > 100 最右边的位在位置 3,在 sub = ac 的开头追加字符,重置位置 3 = > 000 由于现在没有剩余的设置位,我们停止计算子序列。

示例: 二进制 _ 表示(1) = 001 = > c 二进制 _ 表示(2) = 010 = > b 二进制 _ 表示(3) = 011 = > bc 二进制 _ 表示(4) = 100 = > a 二进制 _ 表示(5) = 101 = > ac 二进制 _ 表示(6) = 110 = > ab 二进制 _ 表示(7) =



// c   code all subsequences of a
// string in iterative manner
using namespace std;
// function to find subsequence
string subsequence(string s, int binary)
    string sub = "";
    int pos;
    // loop while binary is greater than 0
        // get the position of rightmost set bit
        pos=log2(binary&-binary) 1;
        // append at beginning as we are
        // going from lsb to msb
        sub=s[pos-1] sub;
        // resets bit at pos in binary
        binary= (binary & ~(1 << (pos-1)));
    return sub;
// function to print all subsequences
void possiblesubsequences(string s){
    // map to store subsequence
    // lexicographically by length
    map > sorted_subsequence;
    int len = s.size();
    // total number of non-empty subsequence
    // in string is 2^len-1
    int limit = pow(2, len);
    // i=0, corresponds to empty subsequence
    for (int i = 1; i <= limit - 1; i  ) {
        // subsequence for binary pattern i
        string sub = subsequence(s, i);
        // storing sub in map
    for (auto it : sorted_subsequence) {
        // it.first is length of subsequence
        // it.second is set
        cout << "subsequences of length = "
            << it.first << " are:" << endl;
        for (auto ii : it.second)
            // ii is iterator of type set
            cout << ii << " ";
        cout << endl;
// driver function
int main()
    string s = "aabc";
    return 0;

python 3

# python3 program to print all subsequences
# of a string in an iterative manner
from math import log2, floor
# function to find subsequence
def subsequence(s, binary):
    sub = ""
    # loop while binary is greater than
    while(binary > 0):
        # get the position of rightmost set bit
        pos=floor(log2(binary&-binary)   1)
        # append at beginning as we are
        # going from lsb to msb
        sub = s[pos - 1]   sub
        # resets bit at pos in binary
        binary= (binary & ~(1 << (pos - 1)))
    sub = sub[::-1]
    return sub
# function to print all subsequences
def possiblesubsequences(s):
    # map to store subsequence
    # lexicographically by length
    sorted_subsequence = {}
    length = len(s)
    # total number of non-empty subsequence
    # in string is 2^len-1
    limit = 2 ** length
    # i=0, corresponds to empty subsequence
    for i in range(1, limit):
        # subsequence for binary pattern i
        sub = subsequence(s, i)
        # storing sub in map
        if len(sub) in sorted_subsequence.keys():
            sorted_subsequence[len(sub)] = \
            tuple(list(sorted_subsequence[len(sub)])   [sub])
            sorted_subsequence[len(sub)] = [sub]
    for it in sorted_subsequence:
        # it.first is length of subsequence
        # it.second is set
        print("subsequences of length =", it, "are:")
        for ii in sorted(set(sorted_subsequence[it])):
            # ii is iterator of type set
            print(ii, end = ' ')
# driver code
s = "aabc"
# this code is contributed by ankush_953


subsequences of length = 1 are:
a b c 
subsequences of length = 2 are:
aa ab ac bc 
subsequences of length = 3 are:
aab aac abc 
subsequences of length = 4 are:

时间复杂度:,其中 n 为查找子序列的字符串长度,b 为二进制字符串中的设置位数。