
给定一个无向未加权的图和两个节点作为目的地,任务是打印给定源和目的地之间最短长度的所有路径。 例:

输入:源= 0,目的地= 5

输出:t2【0->1->3->5 0->2->3->5 0->1->4->5 t6】说明: 以上路径长度均为 3,为 0 到 5 之间最短距离。 输入:来源= 0,目的地= 4

输出:t2 0->1->4

方法:是对一个图进行 。以下是步骤:

  1. 从源顶点开始 bfs 遍历。
  2. 进行 bfs 时,存储到每个其他节点的最短距离,并为每个节点维护一个父向量。
  3. 将源节点的父节点设为-【1】。对于每个节点,它将存储它与源节点距离最短的所有父节点。
  4. 使用父阵列恢复所有路径。在任何时刻,我们都会在路径数组中推一个顶点,然后调用它的所有父节点。
  5. 如果我们在上面的步骤中遇到“-1”,那么这意味着已经找到了一个路径,并且可以存储在 path 数组中。



// cpp program for the above approach
using namespace std;
// function to form edge between
// two vertices src and dest
void add_edge(vector adj[],
              int src, int dest)
// function which finds all the paths
// and stores it in paths array
void find_paths(vector >& paths,
                vector& path,
                vector parent[],
                int n, int u)
    // base case
    if (u == -1) {
    // loop for all the parents
    // of the given vertex
    for (int par : parent[u]) {
        // insert the current
        // vertex in path
        // recursive call for its parent
        find_paths(paths, path, parent,
                   n, par);
        // remove the current vertex
// function which performs bfs
// from the given source vertex
void bfs(vector adj[],
         vector parent[],
         int n, int start)
    // dist will contain shortest distance
    // from start to every other vertex
    vector dist(n, int_max);
    queue q;
    // insert source vertex in queue and make
    // its parent -1 and distance 0
    parent[start] = { -1 };
    dist[start] = 0;
    // until queue is empty
    while (!q.empty()) {
        int u = q.front();
        for (int v : adj[u]) {
            if (dist[v] > dist[u]   1) {
                // a shorter distance is found
                // so erase all the previous parents
                // and insert new parent u in parent[v]
                dist[v] = dist[u]   1;
            else if (dist[v] == dist[u]   1) {
                // another candidate parent for
                // shortes path found
// function which prints all the paths
// from start to end
void print_paths(vector adj[],
                 int n, int start, int end)
    vector > paths;
    vector path;
    vector parent[n];
    // function call to bfs
    bfs(adj, parent, n, start);
    // function call to find_paths
    find_paths(paths, path, parent, n, end);
    for (auto v : paths) {
        // since paths contain each
        // path in reverse order,
        // so reverse it
        reverse(v.begin(), v.end());
        // print node for the current path
        for (int u : v)
            cout << u << " ";
        cout << endl;
// driver code
int main()
    // number of vertices
    int n = 6;
    // array of vectors is used
    // to store the graph
    // in the form of an adjacency list
    vector adj[n];
    // given graph
    add_edge(adj, 0, 1);
    add_edge(adj, 0, 2);
    add_edge(adj, 1, 3);
    add_edge(adj, 1, 4);
    add_edge(adj, 2, 3);
    add_edge(adj, 3, 5);
    add_edge(adj, 4, 5);
    // given source and destination
    int src = 0;
    int dest = n - 1;
    // function call
    print_paths(adj, n, src, dest);
    return 0;

java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

/*package whatever //do not write package name here */
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
class gfg {
    // function to form edge between
    // two vertices src and dest
    static void add_edge(arraylist> adj, int src, int dest){
    // function which finds all the paths
    // and stores it in paths array
    static void find_paths(arraylist> paths, arraylist path,
                    arraylist> parent, int n, int u) {
        // base case
        if (u == -1) {
            paths.add(new arraylist<>(path));
        // loop for all the parents
        // of the given vertex
        for (int par : parent.get(u)) {
            // insert the current
            // vertex in path
            // recursive call for its parent
            find_paths(paths, path, parent, n, par);
            // remove the current vertex
    // function which performs bfs
    // from the given source vertex
    static void bfs(arraylist> adj, arraylist> parent,
             int n, int start) {
        // dist will contain shortest distance
        // from start to every other vertex
          int[] dist = new int[n];
          arrays.fill(dist, integer.max_value);
        queue q = new linkedlist<>();
        // insert source vertex in queue and make
        // its parent -1 and distance 0
        dist[start] = 0;
        // until queue is empty
        while (!q.isempty()) {
            int u = q.poll();
            for (int v : adj.get(u)) {
                if (dist[v] > dist[u]   1) {
                    // a shorter distance is found
                    // so erase all the previous parents
                    // and insert new parent u in parent[v]
                    dist[v] = dist[u]   1;
                else if (dist[v] == dist[u]   1) {
                    // another candidate parent for
                    // shortes path found
    // function which prints all the paths
    // from start to end
    static void print_paths(arraylist> adj, int n, int start, int end){
        arraylist> paths = new arraylist<>();
        arraylist path = new arraylist<>();
        arraylist> parent = new arraylist<>();
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i  ){
            parent.add(new arraylist<>());
        // function call to bfs
        bfs(adj, parent, n, start);
        // function call to find_paths
        find_paths(paths, path, parent, n, end);
        for (arraylist v : paths) {
            // since paths contain each
            // path in reverse order,
            // so reverse it
            // print node for the current path
            for (int u : v)
                system.out.print(u   " ");
    public static void main (string[] args)
      // number of vertices
      int n = 6;
      // array of vectors is used
      // to store the graph
      // in the form of an adjacency list
      arraylist> adj = new arraylist<>();
      for(int i = 0; i < n; i  ){
          adj.add(new arraylist<>());
      // given graph
      add_edge(adj, 0, 1);
      add_edge(adj, 0, 2);
      add_edge(adj, 1, 3);
      add_edge(adj, 1, 4);
      add_edge(adj, 2, 3);
      add_edge(adj, 3, 5);
      add_edge(adj, 4, 5);
      // given source and destination
      int src = 0;
      int dest = n - 1;
      // function call
      print_paths(adj, n, src, dest);
// this code is contributed by ayush123ngp.

python 3

# python program for the above approach
# function to form edge between
# two vertices src and dest
from typing import list
from sys import maxsize
from collections import deque
def add_edge(adj: list[list[int]],
             src: int, dest: int) -> none:
# function which finds all the paths
# and stores it in paths array
def find_paths(paths: list[list[int]], path: list[int],
               parent: list[list[int]], n: int, u: int) -> none:
    # base case
    if (u == -1):
    # loop for all the parents
    # of the given vertex
    for par in parent[u]:
        # insert the current
        # vertex in path
        # recursive call for its parent
        find_paths(paths, path, parent, n, par)
        # remove the current vertex
# function which performs bfs
# from the given source vertex
def bfs(adj: list[list[int]],
        parent: list[list[int]], n: int,
        start: int) -> none:
    # dist will contain shortest distance
    # from start to every other vertex
    dist = [maxsize for _ in range(n)]
    q = deque()
    # insert source vertex in queue and make
    # its parent -1 and distance 0
    parent[start] = [-1]
    dist[start] = 0
    # until queue is empty
    while q:
        u = q[0]
        for v in adj[u]:
            if (dist[v] > dist[u]   1):
                # a shorter distance is found
                # so erase all the previous parents
                # and insert new parent u in parent[v]
                dist[v] = dist[u]   1
            elif (dist[v] == dist[u]   1):
                # another candidate parent for
                # shortes path found
# function which prints all the paths
# from start to end
def print_paths(adj: list[list[int]], n: int,
                start: int, end: int) -> none:
    paths = []
    path = []
    parent = [[] for _ in range(n)]
    # function call to bfs
    bfs(adj, parent, n, start)
    # function call to find_paths
    find_paths(paths, path, parent, n, end)
    for v in paths:
        # since paths contain each
        # path in reverse order,
        # so reverse it
        v = reversed(v)
        # print node for the current path
        for u in v:
            print(u, end = " ")
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # number of vertices
    n = 6
    # array of vectors is used
    # to store the graph
    # in the form of an adjacency list
    adj = [[] for _ in range(n)]
    # given graph
    add_edge(adj, 0, 1)
    add_edge(adj, 0, 2)
    add_edge(adj, 1, 3)
    add_edge(adj, 1, 4)
    add_edge(adj, 2, 3)
    add_edge(adj, 3, 5)
    add_edge(adj, 4, 5)
    # given source and destination
    src = 0
    dest = n - 1
    # function call
    print_paths(adj, n, src, dest)
# this code is contributed by sanjeev2552


0 1 3 5 
0 2 3 5 
0 1 4 5

时间复杂度: o(v e) 其中 v 为顶点数,e 为边数。 辅助空间: o(v) 其中 v 为顶点数。