
给定两个字符串 x 和 y,打印同时具有 x 和 y 作为子序列的最短字符串。如果存在多个最短超序列,请打印其中任何一个。 例:

input: x = "aggtab",  y = "gxtxayb"
output: "agxgtxayb" or "aggxtxayb" 
or any string that represents shortest
supersequence of x and y
input: x = "hello",  y = "geek"
output: "gehekllo" or "gheekllo"
or any string that represents shortest 
supersequence of x and y

我们已经讨论了如何打印两个给定字符串的最短可能超序列长度。在这篇文章中,我们打印了最短的超序列。 我们已经在下面讨论了在之前的后 中寻找最短超序列长度的算法

let x[0..m-1] and y[0..n-1] be two strings and m and be respective 
if (m == 0) return n;
if (n == 0) return m;
// if last characters are same, then add 1 to result and
// recur for x[]
if (x[m-1] == y[n-1]) 
    return 1   scs(x, y, m-1, n-1);
// else find shortest of following two
//  a) remove last character from x and recur
//  b) remove last character from y and recur
else return 1   min( scs(x, y, m-1, n), scs(x, y, m, n-1) );

下表显示了如果我们使用动态编程对字符串 x =“aggtab”和 y =“gxtxayb”、 进行自下而上的求解,则上述算法遵循的步骤

使用 dp pg电子试玩链接的解决方案矩阵,我们可以按照以下步骤– 轻松打印两个字符串的最短超序列

we start from the bottom-right most cell of the matrix and 
push characters in output string based on below rules-
 1\. if the characters corresponding to current cell (i, j) 
    in x and y are same, then the character is part of shortest 
    supersequence. we append it in output string and move 
    diagonally to next cell (i.e. (i - 1, j - 1)).
 2\. if the characters corresponding to current cell (i, j)
    in x and y are different, we have two choices -
    if matrix[i - 1][j] > matrix[i][j - 1],
    we add character corresponding to current 
    cell (i, j) in string y in output string 
    and move to the left cell i.e. (i, j - 1)
    we add character corresponding to current 
    cell (i, j) in string x in output string 
    and move to the top cell i.e. (i - 1, j)
 3\. if string y reaches its end i.e. j = 0, we add remaining
    characters of string x in the output string
    else if string x reaches its end i.e. i = 0, we add 
    remaining characters of string y in the output string.



/* a dynamic programming based c   program print
   shortest supersequence of two strings */
using namespace std;
// returns shortest supersequence of x and y
string printshortestsuperseq(string x, string y)
    int m = x.length();
    int n = y.length();
    // dp[i][j] contains length of shortest supersequence
    // for x[0..i-1] and y[0..j-1]
    int dp[m   1][n   1];
    // fill table in bottom up manner
    for (int i = 0; i <= m; i  )
        for (int j = 0; j <= n; j  )
            // below steps follow recurrence relation
            if(i == 0)
                dp[i][j] = j;
            else if(j == 0)
                dp[i][j] = i;
            else if(x[i - 1] == y[j - 1])
                dp[i][j] = 1   dp[i - 1][j - 1];
                dp[i][j] = 1   min(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1]);
    // following code is used to print shortest supersequence
    // dp[m][n] stores the length of the shortest supersequence
    // of x and y
    // string to store the shortest supersequence
    string str;
    // start from the bottom right corner and one by one
    // push characters in output string
    int i = m, j = n;
    while (i > 0 && j > 0)
        // if current character in x and y are same, then
        // current character is part of shortest supersequence
        if (x[i - 1] == y[j - 1])
            // put current character in result
            str.push_back(x[i - 1]);
            // reduce values of i, j and index
            i--, j--;
        // if current character in x and y are different
        else if (dp[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j - 1])
            // put current character of y in result
            str.push_back(y[j - 1]);
            // reduce values of j and index
            // put current character of x in result
            str.push_back(x[i - 1]);
            // reduce values of i and index
    // if y reaches its end, put remaining characters
    // of x in the result string
    while (i > 0)
        str.push_back(x[i - 1]);
    // if x reaches its end, put remaining characters
    // of y in the result string
    while (j > 0)
        str.push_back(y[j - 1]);
    // reverse the string and return it
    reverse(str.begin(), str.end());
    return str;
// driver program to test above function
int main()
    string x = "aggtab";
    string y = "gxtxayb";
    cout << printshortestsuperseq(x, y);
    return 0;

java 语言(一种计算机语言,尤用于创建网站)

/* a dynamic programming based java program print
shortest supersequence of two strings */
class gfg {
    // returns shortest supersequence of x and y
    static string printshortestsuperseq(string x, string y)
        int m = x.length();
        int n = y.length();
        // dp[i][j] contains length of
        // shortest supersequence
        // for x[0..i-1] and y[0..j-1]
        int dp[][] = new int[m   1][n   1];
        // fill table in bottom up manner
        for (int i = 0; i <= m; i  )
            for (int j = 0; j <= n; j  )
                // below steps follow recurrence relation
                if (i == 0)
                    dp[i][j] = j;
                else if (j == 0)
                    dp[i][j] = i;
                else if (x.charat(i - 1) == y.charat(j - 1))
                    dp[i][j] = 1   dp[i - 1][j - 1];
                    dp[i][j] = 1   math.min(dp[i - 1][j], dp[i][j - 1]);
        // following code is used to print
        // shortest supersequence dp[m][n] s
        // tores the length of the shortest
        // supersequence of x and y
        // string to store the shortest supersequence
        string str = "";
        // start from the bottom right corner and one by one
        // push characters in output string
        int i = m, j = n;
        while (i > 0 && j > 0)
            // if current character in x and y are same, then
            // current character is part of shortest supersequence
            if (x.charat(i - 1) == y.charat(j - 1))
                // put current character in result
                str  = (x.charat(i - 1));
                // reduce values of i, j and index
            // if current character in x and y are different
            else if (dp[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j - 1])
                // put current character of y in result
                str  = (y.charat(j - 1));
                // reduce values of j and index
                // put current character of x in result
                str  = (x.charat(i - 1));
                // reduce values of i and index
        // if y reaches its end, put remaining characters
        // of x in the result string
        while (i > 0)
            str  = (x.charat(i - 1));
        // if x reaches its end, put remaining characters
        // of y in the result string
        while (j > 0)
            str  = (y.charat(j - 1));
        // reverse the string and return it
        str = reverse(str);
        return str;
    static string reverse(string input)
        char[] temparray = input.tochararray();
        int left, right = 0;
        right = temparray.length - 1;
        for (left = 0; left < right; left  , right--)
            // swap values of left and right
            char temp = temparray[left];
            temparray[left] = temparray[right];
            temparray[right] = temp;
        return string.valueof(temparray);
    // driver code
    public static void main(string[] args)
        string x = "aggtab";
        string y = "gxtxayb";
        system.out.println(printshortestsuperseq(x, y));
// this code is contributed by 29ajaykumar

python 3

# a dynamic programming based python3 program print
# shortest supersequence of two strings
# returns shortest supersequence of x and y
def printshortestsuperseq(x, y):
    m = len(x)
    n = len(y)
    # dp[i][j] contains length of shortest
    # supersequence for x[0..i-1] and y[0..j-1]
    dp = [[0 for i in range(n   1)]
             for j in range(n   1)]
    # fill table in bottom up manner
    for i in range(m   1):
        for j in range(n   1):
            # below steps follow recurrence relation
            if i == 0:
                dp[i][j] = j
            elif j == 0:
                dp[i][j] = i
            elif x[i - 1] == y[j - 1]:
                dp[i][j] = 1   dp[i - 1][j - 1]
                dp[i][j] = 1   min(dp[i - 1][j],
                                   dp[i][j - 1])
    # following code is used to print
    # shortest supersequence
    # dp[m][n] stores the length of the
    # shortest supersequence of x and y
    # string to store the shortest supersequence
    string = ""
    # start from the bottom right corner and
    # one by one push characters in output string
    i = m
    j = n
    while i > 0 and j > 0:
        # if current character in x and y are same,
        # then current character is part of
        # shortest supersequence
        if x[i - 1] == y[j - 1]:
            # put current character in result
            string  = x[i - 1]
            # reduce values of i, j and index
            i -= 1
            j -= 1
        # if current character in x and y are different
        elif dp[i - 1][j] > dp[i][j - 1]:
            # put current character of y in result
            string  = y[j - 1]
            # reduce values of j and index
            j -= 1
            # put current character of x in result
            string  = x[i - 1]
            # reduce values of i and index
            i -= 1
    # if y reaches its end, put remaining characters
    # of x in the result string
    while i > 0:
        string  = x[i - 1]
        i -= 1
    # if x reaches its end, put remaining characters
    # of y in the result string
    while j > 0:
        string  = y[j - 1]
        j -= 1
    string = list(string)
    # reverse the string and return it
    return ''.join(string)
# driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    x = "aggtab"
    y = "gxtxayb"
    print(printshortestsuperseq(x, y))
# this code is contributed by
# sanjeev2552


/* a dynamic programming based c# program print
shortest supersequence of two strings */
using system;
class gfg
    // returns shortest supersequence of x and y
    static string printshortestsuperseq(string x, string y)
        int m = x.length;
        int n = y.length;
        // dp[i,j] contains length of
        // shortest supersequence
        // for x[0..i-1] and y[0..j-1]
        int [,]dp = new int[m   1, n   1];
        int i, j;
        // fill table in bottom up manner
        for (i = 0; i <= m; i  )
            for (j = 0; j <= n; j  )
                // below steps follow recurrence relation
                if (i == 0)
                    dp[i, j] = j;
                else if (j == 0)
                    dp[i, j] = i;
                else if (x[i - 1] == y[j - 1])
                    dp[i, j] = 1   dp[i - 1, j - 1];
                    dp[i, j] = 1   math.min(dp[i - 1, j], dp[i, j - 1]);
        // following code is used to print
        // shortest supersequence dp[m,n] s
        // tores the length of the shortest
        // supersequence of x and y
        // string to store the shortest supersequence
        string str = "";
        // start from the bottom right corner and one by one
        // push characters in output string
        i = m; j = n;
        while (i > 0 && j > 0)
            // if current character in x and y are same, then
            // current character is part of shortest supersequence
            if (x[i - 1] == y[j - 1])
                // put current character in result
                str  = (x[i - 1]);
                // reduce values of i, j and index
            // if current character in x and y are different
            else if (dp[i - 1, j] > dp[i, j - 1])
                // put current character of y in result
                str  = (y[j - 1]);
                // reduce values of j and index
                // put current character of x in result
                str  = (x[i - 1]);
                // reduce values of i and index
        // if y reaches its end, put remaining characters
        // of x in the result string
        while (i > 0)
            str  = (x[i - 1]);
        // if x reaches its end, put remaining characters
        // of y in the result string
        while (j > 0)
            str  = (y[j - 1]);
        // reverse the string and return it
        str = reverse(str);
        return str;
    static string reverse(string input)
        char[] temparray = input.tochararray();
        int left, right = 0;
        right = temparray.length - 1;
        for (left = 0; left < right; left  , right--)
            // swap values of left and right
            char temp = temparray[left];
            temparray[left] = temparray[right];
            temparray[right] = temp;
        return string.join("",temparray);
    // driver code
    public static void main(string[] args)
        string x = "aggtab";
        string y = "gxtxayb";
        console.writeline(printshortestsuperseq(x, y));
/* this code has been contributed
by princiraj1992*/

java 描述语言



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