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来源: moonapi
更新时间: 2023-12-05 最新数据时间: 自动更新

数据集介绍 该数据集包含在大学礼堂中从三个垂直安装的 kinect 传感器获取的 3000 多个 rgb-d 帧。数据主要包含从不同方向和不同遮挡程度看到的直立行走和站立的人。   annotation format: each annotated track is defined in a file named as track000n.dat . the file describes the

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该数据集包含在大学礼堂中从三个垂直安装的 kinect 传感器获取的 3000 多个 rgb-d 帧。数据主要包含从不同方向和不同遮挡程度看到的直立行走和站立的人。


annotation format:

each annotated track is defined in a file named as track000n.dat . the file describes the position of the target in each depth frame it appears. the target visibility status is also annotated. the track-id is encoded in the file name (track000n.dat -> track-id n). the content of a track file is as following:
imagenameid ts xtldpt ytldpt wdtdpt hgtdpt xtlrgb ytlrgb wdtrgb hgtrgb vsb

imagenameid = image filename, seq000012.pgm [id: camera id, 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right]
ts = timestamp
xtldpt, ytldpt = topleft coord. bounding box in the depth image
wdtdpt, hgtdpt = size of the bounding box in the depth image
xtlrgb, ytlrgb = topleft coord. bounding box in the rgb image
wdtrgb, hgtrgb = size of the bounding box in the rgb image
vsb = visibility in the depth image [0 = hidden 1 = fully visible, 2 = partially visible ]
ts = timestamp



if you are considering using this data, please reference the following:
[1] l. spinello, k. o. arras. people detection in rgb-d data. ieee int. conf. on intelligent robots and systems (iros), 2011.

[2] m. luber and l. spinello and k. o. arras people tracking in rgb-d data with on-line boosted target models. ieee int. conf. on intelligent robots and systems (iros), 2011.


原文链接: this is an incomplete list of datasets which were captured using a kinect or similar devices. i initially began it to keep track...
rgbd 数据集简介,2019.12.15nyu depth dataset v2(3d分割任务)(c:userslenovoappdataroamingtypora ypora-user-imageso6410939443.png)]
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这是一个很有名的rgb-d数据集,这个数据集是tum的computer vision lab公布的。之前大家看到一些博客上使用这个数据集,但是主要是针对纹理丰富的办公室场景,除此之外,这个数据集还有包含很多其他的场景。 数据集…
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sun rgb-d 数据集

包含10,335个 rgb-­d 图像,其规模与 pascal voc 相似;
是nyu depth v2 , berkeley b3do , and sun3d ,三个数据集的并集;
整个数据集都进行了密集注释,其中包括 146,617 个 2d 多边形(平面目标框)和64,595个具有精确物体方向的3d 边界框(三维目标框);
具有较高的物体方向的准确性及 3d 空间布局和场景分类。
